Thousands of people around the world have participated in her. Joanna Macy, Ph.D., is a Buddhist scholar and teacher, active world-wide in movements for peace, justice, and ecological sanity.

From involvement with the CIA and the Cold War, through experiences in Africa, India and Tibet, her autobiography reads like a novel. Joanna's books include "Mutual Causality in Buddhist Teachings and General Systems Theory World as Lover, World as Self"> and her memoir, "Widening Circles". Macy, Joanna In this absorbing memoir, well-known eco-philosopher, Buddhist scholar, and deep ecology activist/teacher Macy recounts her adventures of mind and spirit in the key social movements of the era. Her work helps people transform despair and apathy, in the face of overwhelming social and ecological crises, into constructive, collaborative action. Joanna Macy is a scholar, eco-philosopher, teacher and activist who has developed an international following in over 30 years as a speaker and workshop leader on Buddhist philosophy and the deep ecology movement. Thousands of people around the world have participated in her workshops and trainings, while her methods have been adopted widely in classrooms, churches, and grassroots organizing.